
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Veggie Pasta with Almond Pesto

½ bag of Rigatoni pasta
1 yellow squash, halved and then sliced
1 zucchini, halved and then sliced
10 asparagus spears, cut in thirds
1 tomato, chopped
3 cups basil leaves
1/2 cup unsalted, toasted Almonds
3 garlic cloves
1/2-3/4 EVOO
½ - 1 tsp Salt, to taste
Freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Boil pasta for about 10 minutes, until tender. Drain.

In a medium frying pan, heat the EVOO and sauté the zucchini, squash and asparagus. Season with S&P. Add tomato towards the end of the cooking.

In a food processor, add the basil leaves, almonds, garlic, EVOO and salt. Toss pasta with pesto. Top with veggies and parmesan.

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