
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Steak, Spinach & Swiss Grilled Sandwich

Using the left-overs from our grilled petite loin the other night,
we made these grilled sandwiches for a quick & easy dinner.

10 slices of grilled petite loin, left-overs
4 sourdough bread slices
Fresh baby spinach
4 slices of Swiss cheese

3 Tbsp mayo
2 tsp sun dried tomatoes
1 small clove of garlic
1 tsp fresh Italian parsley

Heat up your George Forman grill or use a pan on the stove top.

Start by pureeing all ingredients for sauce in a blender. Spread on bread. Add layered steak, spinach and cheese. Butter outside bread slices. Press in the grill until the cheese is melted and the bread is toasted and brown.

Cut sandwich in half and serve with your favorite salad or soup.

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